Bitter Entertainment News (B.E.N.)

My blogging buddy, Ben and I made a bitterly awesome news report and stuck it into a slightly less awesome blog post. So you should go read and watch…… why are you still reading these words? FOCUS people!

Ben's Bitter Blog

As a lifelong ignorer of news, I usually have no idea what is happening in Bosnia or Washington DC or even Seattle.  Sure I’ve heard of the occasional Disney princess (Miley Virus anyone?) going awry or the forecast of an actual sunny day in Seattle, but the news interferes with me playing video games or napping, which are way more important than being informed about the world.  Besides, I can’t expose my kids to such violence, terror and the once-in-a lifetime “good” news story that accidently makes it through editing of a newscast.


As I accidently left the news on when I ignorned the ending of a television show I was watching, I realized that there is all kinds of news out there: angry news, depressing news, good news (not reallly) but for some reason there is no bitter news.  Clearly there is a market out there that is being untapped.  Since I am the unnofficial…

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